Sugarplum Children
BriefSugarplum Children is a fund raising initiative for children with Type 1 Diabetes. They wanted a light hearted identity that would be used in conjunction with the JDRF diabetes charity. Each of the four events over the years needed to look different and appeal to high net worth individuals.
SolutionThe Sugarplum Children identity was kept purposely naive using plum colours in conjunction with a friendly ‘brave little star’ character to symbolise the suffering children.
Invitations and event programs for a series of high profile fund raising dinners were designed - the first few featured an illustration of the Sugarplum Tree poem and the most recent one in 2019 focussed on a more grown up and conceptual 'if you believe' design. The designs for the four events used a mixture of foiling, duplexing and blind embossing to achieve upmost quality ensuring they appealled to the high profile guests. The brave star icon was turned into an Annoushka Sugarplum diamond pendant and used on an Enlist sweater with a percentage of sales going to the charity.
In just a handful of events Sugarplum Children have raised over £1.6m for JDRF, the type 1 diabetes charity and a funder of world-class medical research.